From Mishkan to Soul

From Mishkan to Soul

Why does the Torah forbid building the Mishkan on Shabbat? Explore the deep connection between divine rest and spiritual self-nullification to the Light of the Ein Sof. Uncover the mystical significance of Shabbat and its role in transcending physical creation. Read more to unlock these profound insights.

Ya'akov's Simanim and the Establishment of the Kehunah
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Ya'akov's Simanim and the Establishment of the Kehunah

Ya’akov’s secret simanim to Rachel and the kohanim’s sanctification share a hidden purpose—removing impurity for divine service. Exploring Kabbalistic insights, this article uncovers the deep spiritual connection between these rituals, shedding light on holiness, purity, and the power of tz’niut.

Blood [is] Money
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Blood [is] Money

The Torah teaches that someone who injures another is responsible for medical expenses (Shemot 21:19). This passage also introduces the phrase "v'rapo y'rapei," which leads to a deeper exploration of the role of doctors and the spiritual implications of healing. What secret do these words come to reveal?

Like One Man With One Heart

Like One Man With One Heart

How to Fulfill the Mitzvah of 'You Shall Love Your Fellow as Yourself': Commenting on the fact that Shemot 19:2 describes Am Yisrael using the plural וַיַּחֲנוּ (and they encamped) and then just two words later describes it using the singular וַיִּחַן (and it encamped), Rashi famously writes that they had achieved a level of...

To Sleep Like a Horse

To Sleep Like a Horse

How to Come Out from Under the Control of the Sitra Achra: Imagine a prison, a fairly standard prison – at least standard in the way that many prisons used to be. From sunrise to sunset, the prisoners are forced into hard labor. They don't get much time to rest and they're not allowed to...

Sold for a Pair of Shoes

Sold for a Pair of Shoes

The Job of a Shoemaker: It is written (Amos 2:6): כֹּה אָמַר יְיָ עַל־שְׁלֹשָׁה פִּשְׁעֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְעַל־אַרְבָּעָה לֹא אֲשִׁיבֶנּוּ עַל־מִכְרָם בַּכֶּסֶף צַדִּיק וְאֶבְיוֹן בַּעֲבוּר נַעֲלָיִם׃ (So said Hashem, For three crimes of Yisrael, and for four, I will not turn away, for their sale of a tzaddik and a pauper for a pair of shoes)....