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  1. I cannot understand how you would equate the establishment of the state of Israel with Hashem’s Tova after the Shoah. The Zionists since the establishment, have caused spiritual destruction and countless deaths on both sides. The only good I can see from this churban that still continues, r’l, is that finally many more Jews are waking up to their lies.

    1. You're right. I am not justifying the evils of our current Erev Rav-run regime and all that they have done to try to destroy Torah (chas v'shalom) in the world and amongst the Jewish People for the past many, many decades (even from before 1948). There is chesed and there is chesed. What do I mean? There's chesed she'b'chesed. This is clearly not the chesed we have with the zionists, with the medinah. There's also chesed she'b'gevurah (which might be the case here), or perhaps even chesed she'b'hod. Remember, hod is more gevurah-dik than gevurah. In spite of what they have tried to do (and continue to do), there was no other place in the world that had as much Torah learning than here. It was still an aspect of kibbutz galuyot, even if we didn't merit it at a higher level. And not only that, but the tzaddikim that have been here over the past 70 years is beyond anything in chul. There is no doubt about that.

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