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  1. How do we know who is a true Talmud Chacham today? After the Covid debacle, talmidei Chachamim who I trusted in my community I have lost respect for due to their compliance to public health mandates and disparagement of those who refuse to comply. They promoted discord and machllokes.

    1. You are absolutely right about what happened during the COVID debacle, i.e. how many apparently trustworthy rabbis showed their true colors. Very sad, but that's the honest truth. So, how can you tell who's who? If they're in good graces with the medinah, that's a red flag. If they're receiving kavod or money from their position, that's another red flag. On the other hand, if someone is hated by the medinah, and pursued as if he was public enemy #1, or if he is disgraced and remains silent, and if he doesn't receive money or kavod from speaking the truth, then more than likely you're looking at a true tzaddik.

      This whole process hopefully has begun to teach people, like yourself and many, many others, to be discriminatory. Trust is to be earned. It is no longer assumed. This is part of the birur that is needed before the revelation of Mashiach.

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