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  1. There have been tragically instances of pedophilia among certain rabbis . How one reacts to this should have been mentioned. Too often they have been covered up which your piece implies should be done.

    1. You're absolutely right about the disgusting behaviour of various trusted rabbis and manhigim, and the subsequent and continual coverups. And many of these individuals are still in our communities and it's assur (!) to call them out and officially sanction them to protect the community's children. So as a result, many people don't even know that they're living next door. Disgusting.

      Our point was on the opposite case, where rabbis and respected leaders haven't done what they're accused of and people jump on the condemnation bandwagon.

      Maybe in the future, we'll devote more ink to the pedophilia problem. Good point.

  2. "When Elokim sees that a certain tzaddik has the power to draw people to the service of Elokim, He causes enemies to rise against him, because that will enable him to draw people closer to Elokim. For when a tzaddik does not have enemies, he cannot draw people to Elokim, just as it will be in the days of Mashiach, when the world will be at peace, and converts will not be accepted."

    — Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, writing in the Sefer HaMiddot, Chapter entitled "Tzaddik", Second Book, #17

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