Author: The Shoemaker

The Seven Bows that Changed the Course of the World

The Seven Bows that Changed the Course of the World

How Come Esav Didn't Do Teshuvah? Ya'akov Avinu had finally extricated himself from Lavan's control. He had crossed the Yarden, entered Eretz Cana'an and was preparing to meet his brother Esav. He sent messengers ahead of himself, whom Rashi tells us, based on Bereshit Rabbah 75:4, were מַלְאָכִים מַמָּשׁ (literally 'angels'), instructing them with these...

The Right and the Left of the Torah

The Right and the Left of the Torah

Learning Torah Lishmah vs. Lo-Lishmah: As a post-script to our essay Cunning: Skill to Achieve One's Goals by Deceit, Rav Sheishet taught (Shabbat 63a): מַאי דִכְתִיב ״אֹרֶךְ יָמִים בִּימִינָהּ בִּשְׂמֹאלָהּ עֹשֶׁר וְכָבוֹד״ אֶלָּא בִּימִינָהּ אֹרֶךְ יָמִים אִיכָּא, עֹשֶׁר וְכָבוֹד לֵיכָּא?! אֶלָּא: לַמַּיְימִינִין בָּהּ אֹרֶךְ יָמִים אִיכָּא, וְכָל שֶׁכֵּן עוֹשֶׁר וְכָבוֹד. לַמַּשְׂמְאִילִים בָּהּ עוֹשֶׁר וְכָבוֹד אִיכָּא,...

Cunning: Skill in Achieving One's Ends by Deceit

Cunning: Skill in Achieving One's Ends by Deceit

What Was So Wrong With Lavan? It is written (Bereshit 3:1): וְהַנָּחָשׁ הָיָה עָרוּם מִכֹּל חַיַּת הַשָּׂדֶה אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה יְיָ אֱלֹקִים (And the Nachash was more arum than all the animals of the field which Hashem G-d had made). What is the meaning of עָרוּם [arum]? The Bechor Shor says it means that he spoke...

What the Debate Was Really About

What the Debate Was Really About

The Brothers Ate Eiver Min ha-Chai? When beginning the story of Yosef, the Torah tells us (Bereshit 37:2): וַיָּבֵא יוֹסֵף אֶת־דִּבָּתָם רָעָה אֶל־אֲבִיהֶם (And Yosef brought their defamation to their father). Much has been written about how the brothers defamed Yosef, but what was at the root of their disagreement with him? Rashi lists three...

Yishmael's Teshuvah

Yishmael's Teshuvah

Avraham's Little-Kown Role in Helping His Son Do Teshuvah: You may already know that Yishmael did teshuvah during the lifetime of his father and that he lived out the rest of his days as a righteous man. But do you know the circumstances that led to his decision to turn his life around and return...

Is the Goal Just to be Yotzi a Mitzvah?

Is the Goal Just to be Yotzi a Mitzvah?

Regarding the meaning of the words וּלְחֹשְׁבֵי שְׁמוֹ (and for those who thought about His name) from Malachi 3:16, Rav Ashi taught (Berachot 6a): חָשַׁב אָדָם לַעֲשׂוֹת מִצְוָה וְנֶאֱנַס וְלֹא עֲשָׂאָהּ מַעֲלֶה עָלָיו הַכָּתוּב כְּאִילּוּ עֲשָׂאָהּ (If a person thought to do a mitzvah but was prevented against his will, and he didn't do it,...

To Separate or Not to Separate

To Separate or Not to Separate

How One Decision can Become a Turning Point in Life: After Avram returned from Mitzraim, we read the following about Lot (Bereshit 13:5): וְגַם־לְלוֹט הַהֹלֵךְ אֶת־אַבְרָם הָיָה צֹאן־וּבָקָר וְאֹהָלִים (And also Lot, who went with Avram, had a flock, cattle and tents). Since we already know from 13:1 that Lot was traveling with Avram, it...

A Worm, Drippings of a Honeycomb and Men of Faith
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A Worm, Drippings of a Honeycomb and Men of Faith

Rosh Hashanah and Breaking the Power of Imagination: Good things come in threes: three patriarchs (Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov), three mochin [spiritual brains] (chochmah, binah and da'at), three kinds of seichel [intellect] (potential, actualized and acquired), three lower aspects of the Jewish soul (nefesh, ruach and neshamah), three 'garments', i.e. manifestations, of the soul (machshavah...

Lost and Found
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Lost and Found

The Role of the Tzaddikim in Finding What We Lost: R' Simlai taught the following Baraita about the developing Jewish child in his mother's womb (Niddah 30b): ונר דלוק לו על ראשו וצופה ומביט מסוף העולם ועד סופו...ואין לך ימים שאדם שרוי בטובה יותר מאותן הימים...ומלמדין אותו כל התורה כולה...וכיון שבא לאויר העולם בא מלאך...