Life Issues

Ya'akov's Simanim and the Establishment of the Kehunah
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Ya'akov's Simanim and the Establishment of the Kehunah

Ya’akov’s secret simanim to Rachel and the kohanim’s sanctification share a hidden purpose—removing impurity for divine service. Exploring Kabbalistic insights, this article uncovers the deep spiritual connection between these rituals, shedding light on holiness, purity, and the power of tz’niut.

Blood [is] Money
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Blood [is] Money

The Torah teaches that someone who injures another is responsible for medical expenses (Shemot 21:19). This passage also introduces the phrase "v'rapo y'rapei," which leads to a deeper exploration of the role of doctors and the spiritual implications of healing. What secret do these words come to reveal?

The Seven Bows that Changed the Course of the World

The Seven Bows that Changed the Course of the World

How Come Esav Didn't Do Teshuvah? Ya'akov Avinu had finally extricated himself from Lavan's control. He had crossed the Yarden, entered Eretz Cana'an and was preparing to meet his brother Esav. He sent messengers ahead of himself, whom Rashi tells us, based on Bereshit Rabbah 75:4, were מַלְאָכִים מַמָּשׁ (literally 'angels'), instructing them with these...

Yishmael's Teshuvah

Yishmael's Teshuvah

Avraham's Little-Kown Role in Helping His Son Do Teshuvah: You may already know that Yishmael did teshuvah during the lifetime of his father and that he lived out the rest of his days as a righteous man. But do you know the circumstances that led to his decision to turn his life around and return...

The Danger of Relying on Self-Evaluation
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The Danger of Relying on Self-Evaluation

The Dispute Between Zimri and Pinchas: The Gemara in Berachot 32a offers different 'proof texts' to show that Moshe Rabbeinu spoke somewhat impertinently [הֵטִיחַ דְּבָרִים כְּלַפֵּי מַעְלָה, literally, 'he threw his words upward'] to Ha-Kadosh, baruch Hu when he sought to defend B'nei Yisrael on account of their sins. One such case was in defense...

The Prison of Nature
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The Prison of Nature

The Laws of Nature vs. Divine Providence – It's Our Choice: Near the beginning of the first berachah before reciting the Shema in the morning, we praise Hashem by saying the following: וּבְטוּבוֹ מְחַדֵּשׁ בְּכָל יוֹם תָּמִיד מַעֲשֵׂה בְרֵאשִׁית (and in His goodness, He renews [mechadesh] every day, constantly, the work of creation). Further, toward...

The Beautiful Maiden or the Evil Maidservant
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The Beautiful Maiden or the Evil Maidservant

The Secret of the Erev Rav (Part 3) In the past two issues of The Shoemaker Report, we examined the origins and characteristics of the souls of the converts who accompanied the Jewish People when they left Egypt in the days of Moshe Rabbeinu. This group, known collectively as the Erev Rav ('mixed multitude'), is...

The Valley of Achor for a Petach Tikvah
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The Valley of Achor for a Petach Tikvah

How One Man's Sin Led to the Death of 36 Soldiers We are living through the greatest time of trouble experienced by Yaakov in over 75 years (and in certain respects, the most dangerous time that we have ever experienced on a global level), as it is written (Yirmeyahu 30:7): הוֹי כִּי גָדוֹל הַיּוֹם הַהוּא...