World Events

Do You Really Want World Peace?
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Do You Really Want World Peace?

In the final words of Sefer Zecharyah, prophesying about a time in the future when the Holy Temple will be rebuilt in its place in the holy city of Yerushalayim, we read something most peculiar (Zecharyah 14:21): וְלֹא־יִהְיֶה כְנַעֲנִי עוֹד בְּבֵית־יְיָ צְבָקוֹת בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא (And in that day, there will no longer be a Canaanite...

Are We Really Just ‘Hackable Animals’?
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Are We Really Just ‘Hackable Animals’?

In the 1980s, a team of neuroscientists at the University of California, San Francisco led by Benjamin Libet published numerous papers interpreted by many, including Libet himself, as demonstrating that our brains initiate conscious voluntary movements as well as the will to move before we are consciously aware of the will to move. As Libet...

Daat, Daat Everywhere and Not a Drop of Truth
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Daat, Daat Everywhere and Not a Drop of Truth

Fake ice cream. Fake money. Fake friends. Fake free markets. Fake free speech. Fake education. Fake elections. Fake news. Even fake spirituality. Everything seems fake these days Why is this so? What happened to the real stuff? The truth is that what we are seeing in our world today is merely the revelation of the...

From Darkness to Redemption: Your Personal Roadmap
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From Darkness to Redemption: Your Personal Roadmap

Every study that we have seen shows that levels of depression, sadness, despondency, anxiety and many types of mental health disorders have skyrocketed since the outbreak of Covid, reaching record levels across practically all demographic groups including the very young. As the verse says in describing the conditions of our world just prior to the...

Covid, Splitting the Sea and Gan Eden
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Covid, Splitting the Sea and Gan Eden

Many civilizations and religions over the course of history have taught that the world, including man, is composed of four fundamental elements (sometimes called foundations or forces): fire, earth, air and water. Although perhaps not well known to everyone, these four foundations are also important in Jewish tradition (אש, עפר, רוח and מים). In recent...