
Cunning: Skill in Achieving One's Ends by Deceit

Cunning: Skill in Achieving One's Ends by Deceit

What Was So Wrong With Lavan? It is written (Bereshit 3:1): וְהַנָּחָשׁ הָיָה עָרוּם מִכֹּל חַיַּת הַשָּׂדֶה אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה יְיָ אֱלֹקִים (And the Nachash was more arum than all the animals of the field which Hashem G-d had made). What is the meaning of עָרוּם [arum]? The Bechor Shor says it means that he spoke...

Let's Not Make Wings for the Nachash

Let's Not Make Wings for the Nachash

The Importance of Correcting Our Speech: Have you ever wondered why certain heresies, i..e. religious, scientific, psychological, educational, philosophical and political heresies, spread like wildfire while others never seem to gain much traction? Likewise, have you ever wondered why the mythology of almost every nation of the world contains the image of a flying serpent...

Don’t Worry, You’re Not Going to Die
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Don’t Worry, You’re Not Going to Die

In the previous issue of The Shoemaker Report, in the article entitled The Primordial Criminal Mastermind we explored the essence of the sin of Adam ha-Rishon [אדם הראשון, Primordial Man] and discovered that he relied on his “superior” intellectual prowess to try to out-think Hashem. Instead of obeying the explicit command not to eat from...

The Primordial Criminal Mastermind
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The Primordial Criminal Mastermind

Even though we have written about the sin of Adam ha-Rishon [אדם הראשון, Primordial Man] previously (see “Daat, Daat Everywhere and not a Drop of Truth” and “The Sweetness of Silence”), we are revisiting this topic because without a solid understanding of where we came from and what happened at the beginning of our history,...