
Doors in the Dark

Doors in the Dark

Likutei Moharan 9 and the Light of Chanukah In last week’s issue of The Shoemaker Report, we learned about the halachah of placing the Chanukah light within ten tefachim of the ground. Since we are still basking in the light of the days of Chanukah, let’s take the time to learn the meaning behind another...

Feelin' Groovy in Prayer

Feelin' Groovy in Prayer

In 1966, Simon and Garfunkel released their third studio album Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. The final song of Side A entitled “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)” begins with the now famous lyrics “Slow down, you move too fast / You got to make the morning last…” What’s so eternally important about the...

Strategy for Growth: Breaking the Klipahs
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Strategy for Growth: Breaking the Klipahs

All living things have within them a vital force motivating them to grow. We are no different. Children and adults alike, we all want to grow. And growth has many dimensions associated with it. Growth can refer to physical size, education, ability or skill, professional development, knowledge or wisdom, emotional maturity, even emunah [faith] and...